sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2008

Informáticos: Sentido de humor...

Estava lá eu hoje, depois de por os meus alunos a trabalhar, a ver uma notícia que transcrevo de seguida:

An AI 4-Year-Old In Second Life

Posted by kdawson on Friday March 14, @09:37AM
schliz notes a development out of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where researchers have successfully created an artificially intelligent four-year-old capable of reasoning about his beliefs to draw conclusions in a manner that matches human children his age. The technology, which runs on the institute's supercomputing clusters, will be put to use in immersive training and education scenarios. Researchers envision futuristic applications like those seen in Star Trek's holodeck."

Depois começei a ver cada pérola que deixavam nos comentários, digam lá que os informáticos não têm sentido de humor! lol

If you need to have the behaviour of a four-year-old boy in Second Life, the obvious solution is to get a four-year-old boy to play Second Life. If cost is a factor you can get a cheap one from Africa (or, indeed, from many places around the world) for far less than the price of a supercomputer. You could even get several to provide redundancy.

That's the trouble with programmers: no common sense. Sometimes a technological solution just isn't necessary.
So what they're saying is that they made a random behavior generator. I go out of my way to avoid my four year old daughter because she's annoying so why would I want to interact with a virtual four year old?

P.S. I'm obviously kidding. I don't have any kids because that would require having sex which is mutually exclusive to posting on slashdot.

E finalmente, num outro post apareceu um link com o seguinte título: A Nerd's Guide to Getting Laid . Esta é a melhor!

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